How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

You know how important your oral health is. If you don’t, you should know that it’s very important! Why? Because your oral hygiene directly affects your eating habits, drinking habits, and even your sleeping habits.  For example, if you don’t maintain a pristine...
How Often Should I Visit the Dentist?

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist?

Once you reach adulthood and you’re living a busy life, you might wonder if you really need to visit the dentist every 6 months or if you’re supposed to go more often or less often. At Oasis Dental Arts in San Diego, we want our patients to have the healthiest smiles...
Mental Health and Oral Health Are Linked

Mental Health and Oral Health Are Linked

We know that oral health is linked to overall health. But it’s too easy for many people to imagine that this stops with physical health. But we’re finding that oral health may have links beyond gut health and heart health. It may be linked to your mental health as...