Oasis Dental Arts Blog

A Series of Unfortunate Tooth Mistakes

A Series of Unfortunate Tooth Mistakes

At the beginning of the month, the second season of the Netflix Original, A Series of Unfortunate Events debuted. Based on the book series of the same name, the show follows the Baudelaire family after the mysterious death of their parents, as they try to unravel what...

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From Yellow to “Moviestar” White

From Yellow to “Moviestar” White

You have a big meeting the next day so you go to bed early. In the morning, you have breakfast then brush your teeth. Your hair’s looking good and everything is fine until you rinse and notice how yellow your teeth have gotten. When did that happen and how can you fix...

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Beating Gum Disease

Beating Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is one of the most dangerous oral health risks. Often off the radar compared to cavities, missing teeth, or even whitening, one of the most ignored conditions is also the most serious. Gum disease is an inflammatory...

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Dental Implants Could Change Your Life

Dental Implants Could Change Your Life

Four thousand years ago in ancient China, carefully crafted bamboo pegs were used to replace missing teeth. Dental technology has come a long way since then. Just a few months ago, a robotic dentist in China successfully performed dental implant surgery on a patient....

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Four Ways to Teach Your Kids Oral Hygiene

Four Ways to Teach Your Kids Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is important not only to our mouths but our bodies, as well. Complications like advanced gum disease can significantly increase our risk of heart disease, stroke, and even cancer, which is why establishing and maintaining good oral hygiene is so...

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How To Fix Your Smile Before Summer

How To Fix Your Smile Before Summer

It’s March and the weather is deciding between snow, rain, and sunshine. In just a few months, however, summer will begin, which means you’ll finally go on that vacation you’ve been planning all year. Perhaps that means the beaches of Bali, the cobblestone streets of...

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3 Home Remedies For Toothaches

3 Home Remedies For Toothaches

Work has been stressful, traffic unusually bad, and you were looking forward to the weekend. There’s just one problem, you’ve suddenly developed a terrible toothache. How are you supposed to see a movie and eat popcorn now? Toothaches can be a sign of several issues....

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Perfect Teeth for a Perfect Wedding

Perfect Teeth for a Perfect Wedding

You’ve started planning the perfect wedding. You’ve found a venue in the mountains with enough space for the distant cousins you were thinking about not inviting, and the venue hooked you up with a vendor who makes homemade ice-cream sandwiches, your partner’s...

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Will We Soon Say Goodbye to Fillings?

Will We Soon Say Goodbye to Fillings?

Dental fillings have been around for a long time. So long, in fact, that it’s hard to say with confidence when and where they were first used. In 2010, Archaeologists discovered fillings made out of beeswax in a cave near Trieste, Italy, estimated to be about 6500...

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How is Cosmetic Dentistry Changing?

How is Cosmetic Dentistry Changing?

In a time with self-driving cars, scientist who can accurately edit genes, and robots in China that can perform dental implant surgery, the question of what dentistry can do for your smile is an exciting one. With new materials, cutting-edge technology, and improved...

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Bacteria, the Oral Health Edition

Bacteria, the Oral Health Edition

Only within the last decade have scientist begun to pay more attention to the bacteria present in our bodies. Known as the “microbiome,” the human body has communities of bacteria that outnumber human cells 10 to 1. Despite being so small, if all our bacteria was...

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Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

Is Teeth Whitening Right for You?

If you’re among the many Americans dissatisfied with their smile, then you know how embarrassing it can be. Maybe you’ve made a habit of covering your mouth when you laugh, turning away while you speak, or maybe this embarrassment has manifested in other subtle ways...

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Why You Might Have Bad Breath

Why You Might Have Bad Breath

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting next to someone in a movie theater or across from a colleague during a meeting and smell it, bad breath. Is it you or the other person? What did you have to eat today? Coffee and toast but no onions and no garlic. What’s the deal?...

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New Year’s Resolution for a Younger Smile

New Year’s Resolution for a Younger Smile

If you’re like millions of Americans on New Years, than you’ve probably made a lengthy list of resolutions for being the best version of yourself in 2018. Perhaps that involves a gym membership, a new juicer, or a subscription to one of those healthy meal prep boxes....

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Fix That Smile, and Feel Great

Fix That Smile, and Feel Great

The holidays are right around the corner, which means more food than you can eat, presents, and, of course, pictures. For some, the more pictures for social media the better, but for others, a camera can trigger anxiety. If your immediate reaction when someone pulls...

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The Pros and Cons: Dentures vs Implants

The Pros and Cons: Dentures vs Implants

When missing one, three, or all your teeth, dentist will often recommend two main treatment options, dentures or dental implants. While both have very high success rates, they also carry their own pros and cons. If you’ve recently lost teeth, and are hoping to make an...

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Laser Dentistry Is the Future

Laser Dentistry Is the Future

If you grew up reading sci-fi then you might be disappointed with our current technological prowess. Flying cars don’t cruise the skyline of major cities, and we haven’t yet populated Mars. In the dental world, however, we’ve made some major moves towards a sci-fi...

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