by Oasis Dental Arts | Jan 25, 2018 | Brushing and Flossing, Cavities, Dentist, Oral Health
Only within the last decade have scientist begun to pay more attention to the bacteria present in our bodies. Known as the “microbiome,” the human body has communities of bacteria that outnumber human cells 10 to 1. Despite being so small, if all our bacteria was...
by Oasis Dental Arts | Jan 11, 2018 | Teeth Stains, Whitening
If you’re among the many Americans dissatisfied with their smile, then you know how embarrassing it can be. Maybe you’ve made a habit of covering your mouth when you laugh, turning away while you speak, or maybe this embarrassment has manifested in other subtle ways...
by Oasis Dental Arts | Jan 4, 2018 | Brushing and Flossing, Gum Disease
We’ve all been there. You’re sitting next to someone in a movie theater or across from a colleague during a meeting and smell it, bad breath. Is it you or the other person? What did you have to eat today? Coffee and toast but no onions and no garlic. What’s the deal?...
by Oasis Dental Arts | Dec 29, 2017 | Brushing and Flossing, Oral Health, Teeth Stains, Whitening
If you’re like millions of Americans on New Years, than you’ve probably made a lengthy list of resolutions for being the best version of yourself in 2018. Perhaps that involves a gym membership, a new juicer, or a subscription to one of those healthy meal prep boxes....
by Oasis Dental Arts | Dec 14, 2017 | Cavities, Oral Health
We’ve heard the message since we were children: sugar gives you cavities. Eating too many holiday pastries, drinking too much soda, or overwhelming our barista by asking for more pumps of syrup, can all have a significant effect on our teeth. So, to avoid an emergency...