Oral Surgery
Scripps Ranch
Sometimes oral surgery is necessary to improve your oral health, the appearance of your smile, or the function of your teeth. At many practices, you may be referred to a specialist, which can be expensive and inconvenient, but Dr. Ramin Goshtasbi is highly trained and prepared with advanced technology to handle many types of oral surgery himself.
If you are looking for help with oral surgery in Scripps Ranch, please call (858) 271-1010 or contact us online today for an appointment with dentist Dr. Goshtasbi at Oasis Dental Arts.

Oral Surgery We Offer
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a dental specialty that spans a wide range of procedures and conditions. They have extensive specialized training in these treatments, and we don’t offer all of them.
However, Dr. Goshtasbi has considerable training in many areas of dentistry and knows that he can deliver great results to his patients with these procedures:
- Dental implant placement
- Wisdom tooth extraction
- Other surgical and nonsurgical extractions
If you are looking for one of these procedures, Dr. Goshtasbi will evaluate you and decide whether your case is one he can handle or if he might want to refer you to a specialist.
Dental Implant Placement
Dental implant placement is the surgical portion of the dental implant procedure. It can be performed immediately after tooth extraction or at a later time. With thorough planning and a deft technique, many dental implant procedures can be handled quickly and easily by Dr. Ramin Goshtasbi.
This is not only convenient for you, it can save you money and sometimes leads to better results. When Dr. Goshtasbi is planning the entire procedure from start to finish, there is less room for communication problems that can lead to aesthetic or functional complications. This can give you even more confidence in the outcome of your dental implant surgery.
However, when a dental implant procedure is involved and may require subsidiary procedures such as complicated bone grafts, it may be better handled by an oral surgeon.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth extracted, but for many people wisdom teeth can cause serious problems if they are left in.
Wisdom teeth are a remnant from a time when people ate raw foods that often contained a lot of grit, leading to serious wear on their teeth. People needed a new set of teeth when wisdom teeth emerged because their other teeth were already starting to wear out. And the more strenuous motion of their jaw stimulated additional growth that made room for these teeth.
Now wisdom teeth are largely unnecessary. When wisdom teeth come in, they can become impacted, which can lead to serious complications, such as:
- Damage to neighboring teeth
- Cyst that damages jawbone and nerves
- Serious decay that can lead to an abscessed tooth
- Gum disease around teeth
Even if a wisdom tooth emerges successfully, it can be difficult to clean, leading to decay and infection. It is often better to prevent this by removing wisdom teeth.
Other Tooth Extractions
Typically, we want to do all we can to save your natural teeth. However, there are some situations where we might recommend tooth extraction. This includes when:
- You are in pain and want rapid relief
- Tooth cannot be saved or has a low chance of being saved
- Gum disease has damaged the support of the tooth, so it is painful, nonfunctional, and loose
- An infected tooth poses a health threat to you or your other teeth
- Extraction is recommended as part of orthodontic treatment
- You have reviewed the treatment options and decided that, based on the costs, risks, and benefits you think extraction is the best option
Except in cases where your life may be in danger, you make the decision about whether to preserve or extract a tooth. We will review this decision with you thoroughly to make sure we are taking the best course of action.
Need Oral Surgery in Scripps Ranch?
Are you looking for oral surgery in Scripps Ranch? Dr. Ramin Goshtasbi might be able help. Please call (858) 271-1010 today for an appointment at Oasis Dental Arts.
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