Before & After Procedures
Have you ever wished you could just remake your smile? Make it whiter, brighter, and just reshape all your teeth? With porcelain veneers, we can do just that. Veneers are among the most powerful cosmetic dentistry treatments, and they can address most common complaints about the appearance of your smile.


Dentures are the oldest tooth replacement option. They have existed for thousands of years with little change except for the materials used and some other small adjustments. They come in many degrees of quality, and how attractive your smile is will depend on which you select. But it is possible to have realistic, attractive ones that will look good when you smile.


Redoing Patient Crowns
Do you think that your tooth is too badly damaged to save? Or is it so unattractive that you don’t want to save it? Dental crowns can help in both situations. Dental crowns are like sheaths that fit completely over your tooth’s visible surface. They can provide protection and support to badly damaged teeth. And they provide your tooth with an entirely new visible surface so your tooth will look attractive again, too.


Bridge on Lower Teeth
Dental bridges are bonded to your natural teeth. They don’t need to be removed for cleaning and (usually) let you keep eating your full diet. They look very attractive and are only subtly different from natural teeth in appearance.


Implants and Bridge and Crowns
Dental implants are the closest thing to having natural teeth again. They look like natural teeth, function like natural teeth, and only require the same simple care as natural teeth. And best of all, they can last for a lifetime when properly cared for.


Redoing Silver Filling to White Filling
Restorative dentistry allows us to repair your teeth and your smile, ensuring that you always have a healthy-looking, functional smile. From tooth erosion to changing silver filling to white filling, we do it all.


Redoing Smile by Crowns
Dental crowns can help in both situations. Dental crowns are like sheaths that fit completely over your tooth’s visible surface. They can provide protection and support to badly damaged teeth. And they provide your tooth with an entirely new visible surface so your tooth will look attractive again, too.


Replacing Silver Fillings with Porcelain
Restorative dentistry allows us to repair your teeth and your smile, ensuring that you always have a healthy-looking, functional smile. From tooth erosion to changing silver filling to white filling, we do it all.


Have you always wanted to straighten your teeth, but didn’t like the thought of having metal braces on your teeth? Invisalign can straighten your teeth without worrying about these problems: no metal mouth, no need to give up your favorite foods, and treatment in half the time of traditional braces.


Schedule an appointment with your gentle, friendly dentist today!
For teeth that last a lifetime, you need a dentist who’s committed to you for a lifetime.